Drug-Free Workplace and Schools and Communities

SPU is subject to the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. The University strongly supports the 1988 and 1989 acts and consistently ensures compliance with them.

SPU annually distributes information regarding the restrictions and consequences of violations of each act. Any student who has not received copies of the statements may contact the Office of Student Life in the Student Union Building (SUB), Second Floor, or Human Resources at 330 West Nickerson. A copy of the information is also available online.

The purpose of SPU’s Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use Policy is to support the educational mission of the University with standards of personal health, moral integrity, and social consciousness. The policy is also intended to provide guidelines for members of the University community who are sensitive to the varieties of Christian perspectives represented on campus, the Free Methodist Church, and the community at large.

For some, this represents an area of personal liberty, but for others it is a stumbling block. In keeping with our heritage, we expect undergraduate students of legal age who choose to consume alcohol off-campus, to do so responsibly and to refrain from drunkenness (intoxication) at all times, and to not involve themselves in situations where excessive consumption and/or irresponsible behavior is taking place.

Misconduct related to alcohol consumption or drug use that creates risks for one’s safety, threatens the safety of others, detracts from the living-learning community, disrupts the university community (either on or off campus) is a violation of SPU’s policy and may result in disciplinary action.

Illegal, underage consumption and/or possession of alcohol will not be permitted either on or off campus. Students who host or in any way assist or promote a gathering (on or off campus) that includes alcohol given to underage persons, underage consumption of alcohol, illegal drug usage, or any drunkenness (intoxication) will be subject to the disciplinary process, up to and including dismissal. Those living at the location where a party is hosted may be held responsible as hosts regardless of who provides the alcohol.

The use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal use/possession of drugs on campus or at any of SPU’s activities will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. A student who is found on campus, or at any university activity, to be exhibiting behaviors that indicate that she or he may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, can expect to be confronted, challenged, and disciplinary action may be taken.

If the abnormal behavior resulted from prescription drug use in compliance with a physician’s instructions, then the policy may be waived. If the behavior is a result of drug abuse or alcohol use, the student will be subject to further disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal and referral for prosecution. If the behavior results in a conviction of a violation of criminal drug or alcohol laws, the disciplinary actions will be dictated by the Drug-Free Workplace regulations.

If a student is required to complete a drug treatment and rehabilitation program as part of the disciplinary action resulting from a violation of this policy, official records of the diagnosis or treatment will be kept for three years in the student’s records. The file will be held in the strictest confidence and will be used only as evidence to governmental and granting agencies that the University did in fact take steps toward correcting the problem.

Last published on 4/8/2015

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